Getting Your Life Back - Osteopathy in Indiana
Osteopathic Manipulation - Gentle hands-on techniques that normalize the tissues of the body. - Faster recovery with improved motion in your muscles and joints - No scary bone popping - Gentle enough for newborn babies
Regenerative Medicine - Outstanding treatment for arthritis and other degenerative diseases
- Stimulates healing of painful, damaged ligaments, tendons and other structures for lasting results - Keeps your body in proper position so adjustments last much longer - A secret used by professional athletes
Acupuncture - Small needles you barely even notice are placed at specific sites
- Quicker healing with increased blood flow - Removes pain generators located inside your muscles - Less pain by increasing your body’s natural pain killers
Functional Medicine - Nutraceutical supplementation and diet modification to enhance your recovery
- Optimized nutrition to speed your recovery - Reduce painful inflammation – naturally - Improve your health and energy level