Indianapolis Medical Acupuncture with Dr. Williams
You can view acupuncture from two lenses. The first is a western medical lens, through which a single treatment increases circulation to muscles, ligaments, internal organs, and other sources of discomfort or dysfunction. The second is the traditional Eastern (Chinese) lens, through which the acupuncturist channels energy through the proper meridians. Either way, acupuncture works, benefiting patients with a wide range of conditions. Dr. Williams’ own approach to acupuncture is minimalist. Often applying a scant four (or so) of the tiny, hair-thin needles, he finds the most precise way to achieve maximum gain—restoring balance and boosting functionality. He typically combines your acupuncture treatment with hands-on care in the form of osteopathic manipulation. Together, these can reduce the need for potentially harmful medications and other “quick fixes”—helping your body to heal itself naturally, efficiently, and at the source. Learn more by contacting Dr. Williams in Indianapolis today.